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Shabbat Services

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Each Friday night Temple Judea holds Shabbat services. Our Rabbi is learned, inspiring and humorous. Our Cantor brings her love of music, Judaism and children to our temple family.

Our Shabbat Service is conducted in Hebrew and English and we use the Reform Movement’s newest prayer book, Mishkan T’filah. Our music is engaging and   participatory. A sermon or other opportunity for learning is included each week. We   welcome member participation at each service.

Each service includes a Mi Shebeirach prayer for healing and all present are given an opportunity to speak the names of those who are ill.

Our Friday evening Shabbat Services are currently offered both on Zoom and in person, starting at 7:30 PM. Following our 7:30PM services (which last about an hour), there are cookies, cake, fruit, coffee and tea served at an Oneg Shabbat. On occasion, we offer a Shabbat Dinner prior to services.

We have been navigating through Coronavirus and its recovery phases, with our main concern for the health and safety of everyone. Most of our events have been and will continue to be available through Zoom, including Friday Shabbat Services and livestream, including the High Holy Days services.  For all of those attending in-person, masks are recommended.

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Special Services and Programs

As a way of welcoming young families, we offer members and non-members the opportunity to have an aufruf or a baby naming during our Friday night Shabbat services. Please call the temple office at least a month in advance to reserve your date.

During the summer months, services start times may be different than the rest of the year.  Please check the website for summer start times or call the office in June.  

Sponsorship is great way to honor a loved one is to sponsor a Shabbat. Your sponsorship will be acknowledged from the bima. Please contact the Temple office to find out more.


Torah Portion

“It is a tree of life to all who grasp it, and whoever holds on to it is happy; its ways are ways of pleasantness, and all it paths are peace.” (Proverbs 3:17-18)

Each week a passage of the weekly Torah portion is read and discussed, usually in the Rabbi’s sermon.  We invite you to get a head start by reading the about the portion of the week at:


Baruch atah, Adonai, Eloheinu, melech haolam,asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav, v’tzivanu l’hadlik ner shel Shabbat.

Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Sovereign of the universe, who makes us holy through the performance of mitzvot and for giving us the mitzvah of kindling the light of Shabbat.


Lighting the Shabbat candles occurs at the onset of Shabbat. In fact, it is a special way to separate from work week to the holy day of rest. First, light the candles. Next, close your eyes and bring the light of the candles into your soul. A traditional way to do this is by gently moving your hands above the flames and then towards your closed eyes, three times. Then, while keeping your fingers over your closed eyes, pause. Don’t rush this moment. Think about the joy in your life. Think about the blessings that are around you. Be open to the possibility of the fullness of Shabbat Joy. When you are ready, recite the blessing. Finally, open your eyes and you see the Light of Shabbat.

Click here for more information on the blessings with which we welcome Shabbat.


Our Friday evening and Shabbat morning prayers follow a set pattern in our prayerbook, or siddur. In fact, the Hebrew word siddur comes from the same root as the word for order. This link will take you to an explanation of the order of the prayers in the service.

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785